The Springfield Times

The Springfield Times: Season 2 DVD Set

This document lists archived official news, as well as some unconfirmed rumors, regarding The Complete Second Season DVD set. Some information on other Simpsons DVD titles released in Europe and Australia at the time is also archived here.

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July 24, 2002

We've posted a review of The Complete Second Season on our main news page. [now archived]

Also see a review by IGN.

July 2, 2002

Here's a brief guide for accessing 7 Easter eggs in The Complete Second Season DVD set. If you'll come across one that isn't listed here, please e-mail us.

Disc 1

  1. Go to the Language Selection menu of "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish" and select Blinky. You'll get an animated thank you note for David Silverman.
Disc 3

  1. Go to the Language Selection menu of "Bart's Dog Gets an F" and select the piece in his mouth. You'll get a sketch. On this sketch, select the head on the right for yet another sketch.
  2. Go to the main menu of "Old Money" and move left to select Grampa's fez. You'll get a sketch.
  3. Go to the Language Selection menu of "Brush with Greatness" and select the painting. You'll get a sketch.
Disc 4

  1. Go to the Language Selection menu of "Three Men and a Comic Book" and select the paper slip the Comic Book Guy is holding. You'll get a sketch.
  2. Go to the Language Selection of "Blood Feud" and select the eyes of the Olmec's head. You'll get Homer lay-out sketches. If you select the post-it note, you'll get more.
  3. Go to the storyboards for "Bart gets an F" in the Special Features section. Move until you reach page where the panel on the right is covered with a post-it note. Go to that post-it note. You'll get to see the storyboard for a deleted scene in that episode.
All the Easter egg items hidden in the Language Selection menus can be reached by moving the cursor over "More" and then pressing the right arrow key (+enter).
Thanks to Matty Jorissen

June 30, 2002

(R2) The Complete Second Season is now available in a few European countries such as France and Finland. Following the releases, reviews of the set are popping up on various DVD sites.

Impressive amounts of screenshots from the French edition of the set are available at The Simpsons Park and DVDRama web sites.

(R4) "The Simpsons: Backstage Pass" will be released in Australia on July 24. The season 2 set will hit the stores on the same day.
Thanks to Jeffry Kam


Release Dates:
· USA Aug 6
· Canada Aug 6
· UK Jul 8
· Australia Jul 24
· France Jun 26
· Finland Jun 28

22 episodes with commentaries, interview with James L. Brooks and Matt Groening, "Do The Bartman" dir. cut music video (with commentary), "Deep Deep Trouble" music video (with commentary), Creation of an Episode, Emmy Awards presentation, American Music Awards (with commentary), 3 Butterfinger commercials, foreign language clips, image gallery and Easter eggs.

Press Release:

· English

· The Digital Bits
· DVDlaunch
· Home Theater Forum
· (SWE)

· Northern Europe
· France
· France

· Germany

Where to get it:
· R1
· R2
· R4 EzyDVD

Easter Eggs:
Click here for details.

· Official Site

May 9, 2002

Here's the complete list of season 2 commentaries.


“Bart Gets an F”
·Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & David Silverman;

“Simpson and Delilah”
·Matt Groening, Jon Vitti & Al Jean;

“Treehouse of Horror”
·Matt Groening, Al Jean & Mike Reiss (act 1);
·Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, Jay Kogen, Wallace Wolodarsky & Al Jean (act 2);
·Matt Groening, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & David Silverman (act 3);

“Two Cars in Every Carage and Three Eyes on Every Fish”
·Matt Groening, Al Jean & Mike Reiss;

“Dancin' Homer”
·Matt Groening, David Isaacs, Ken Levine, Mike Reiss & Mark Kirkland;

“Dead Putting Society”
·Matt Groening, Jeff Martin, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & Rich Moore;

“Bart vs. Thanksgiving”
·Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, George Meyer, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & David Silverman;

“Bart the Daredevil”
·Matt Groening, Jay Kogen, Wallace Wolodarsky, Al Jean & Mike Reiss;

“Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”
·Matt Groening, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & Jim Reardon;

“Bart Gets Hit by a Car”
·Matt Groening, Mike Reiss & Mark Kirkland;

“One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”
·Matt Groening, Nell Scovell, Al Jean & Mike Reiss;

“The Way We Was”
·Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & David Silverman;

“Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment”
·Matt Groening, Steve Pepoon, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & Rich Moore;

“Principal Charming”
·Matt Groening, Mike Reiss & Mark Kirkland;

“Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?”
·Matt Groening, Jeff Martin, Al Jean & Mike Reiss;

“Bart's Dog Gets an F”
·Matt Groening, Jon Vitti, Al Jean & Jim Reardon;

“Old Money”
·Matt Groening, Jay Kogen, Wallace Wolodarsky, Al Jean & David Silverman;

“Brush with Greatness”
·Matt Groening, Brian K. Roberts, Al Jean & Jim Reardon;

“Lisa's Substitute”
·Matt Groening, Jon Vitti, Al Jean, Mike Reiss & Rich Moore;

“The War of the Simpsons”
·Matt Groening, Mike Reiss & Mark Kirkland;

“Three Men and a Comic Book”
·Matt Groening, Jeff Martin, Al Jean & Mike Reiss;

“Blood Feud”
·Matt Groening, Al Jean & David Silverman;

We've also been informed that "Bart at the American Awards" clip comes with commentary.
Thanks to Petri Teittinen

May 8, 2002

(R2) The Simpsons DVD Preview Page has posted screenshots from the season 2 set.

(R4)The release in Australia has been pushed to July 24.

April 24, 2002


Fox Home Entertainment has confrimed that the region 1 version of The Complete Second Season will be released on August 6.

The four-disc set includes all episodes on dual-layered discs (full frame, aspect ratio 1.33:1). Each episode is presented with English 5.1 Surround, English Dolby Surround, French Dolby Surround Sound and Spanish subtitles.

Disc 1

“Bart Gets An F”
“Simpson And Delilah”
“Treehouse Of Horror”
“Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish”
“Dancin' Homer”
“Dead Putting Society”

Disc 2

“Bart vs. Thanksgiving”
“Bart The Daredevil”
“Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”
“Bart Gets Hit By A Car”
“One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”
“The Way We Was”

Disc 3

“Homer vs. Lisa And The 8th Commandment”
“Principal Charming”
“Oh Brother, Where Are Thou?”
“Bart's Dog Gets An F”
“Old Money”
“Brush With Greatness”

Disc 4

“Lisa's Substitute”
“The War Of The Simpsons”
“Three Men And A Comic Book”
“Blood Feud”

Additional Bonus Features: Interview with James L. Brooks and Matt Groening, “Do The Bartman” director's cut music video (with optional commentary), “Deep Deep Trouble” music video (with optional commentary), former supervising director/animator David Silverman on the “Creation of an Episode,” Emmy Awards presentation, American Music Awards (with optional commentary), 3 Butterfinger commercials, foreign language clips, gallery (animation, magazine covers, etc.), early drawings and Easter eggs.
Source: Fox Home Entertaiment (Courtesy Bill La Rue)

Press Release (draft)

The European release is still scheduled for an earlier summer release according to local online stores, but no dates have yet been confirmed.

March 20, 2002

More interesting details on the season 2 special features:

“Bart on the American Music Awards” (2m:13s)
“Butterfinger TV commercials” (1m:15s)
“Deep Deep Trouble music video with commentary” (4m:58s)
“Do the Bartman music video, Director's Cut with commentary” (6m:0s)
“Emmy Awards presentation” (2m:56s)
“Interview with Matt Groening & James L. Brooks” (10m:12s)
“David Silverman on the creation of an episode” (6m:10s)
Source: BBFC (Courtesy Jan Nielsen)

March 18, 2002


The estimated release date of The Complete Second Season keeps changing. The current date at most US web stores is July 9. No official press release has yet been issued by Fox Home Entertainment.


The Simpsons: Film Festival will hit the stores in Finland on May 31.

February 27, 2002

(R1) is taking pre-orders for season 2 set. According to the store, the release date is June 4, while Deep Discount DVD sets it to June 11.

One of the special features, possibly an easter egg, is a "Bart at the American Music Awards" featurette. Scroll down to Feb 12 entry for more detailed information on the set and its special features.

February 18, 2002

(R2) New suggested release dates for the season 2 set: sets the UK launch to May 20. The set is already available for pre-orders.

In Finland, the release date will be June 28.
Thanks to Mikko Kaarni ja P. Tasanen

(R1) May 21 is the latest proposal for the US release date.

February 15, 2002

(R1) According to Variety, Peter Byrne, executive vice president of Fox Licensing announced at the International Toy Fair that the second season of The Simpsons will be released on DVD in mid-May.

(R4) In Australia, the set is scheduled to hit shelves on May 22.

Sources: Variety & (Courtesy Jukka Keskiaho & Jeffry Kam)

February 12, 2002 (updated 02/18)

(R2) The owner of The Simpsons Park web site has managed to get details on the upcoming Complete Second Season boxed set. Although the details describe the French edition of the set, apart from the language selection, the release will most likely be nearly identical in all regions.

According to the info, the French edition will take the form of 4 dual-layered DVD discs (1.33:1 full frame), each with episodes presented in French and English 5.1. & 2.0. and French 2.0. Subtitles in English and Spanish will also be available.

Special Features

Commentary for every episode
Interview with Matt Groening (11 min)
David Silverman presents the creation of an episode (7 min)
"Do the Bartman" music video with optional commentary Emmy Awards featurette (3 min)
DVD trailers
Foreign language clips
Three "Butterfinger" commercials
Photo gallery
Easter eggs

February 6, 2002 (updated 03/18)

Here's a recap of the announced and rumored release dates for upcoming Simpsons DVDs. Scroll down the page for details.

(R2) (R4) "The Simpsons Film Festival"
NOTE: Available only in R2 and R4

  • Germany: February 7
  • Australia: March 13
  • UK: March 18
  • France: April 3
  • Finland: May 31
  • Denmark: June
(R2) (R4) "The Simpsons: Backstage Pass"
NOTE: Available only in R2 and R4
  • France: April 3 (Note: renamed "Music")
  • Finland: April 26
  • UK: June (unconfirmed)
  • Denmark: June
Further information on the French editions is available at The Simpsons Park.

(R1) (R2) (R4) The Complete Second Season boxed set:
NOTE: All dates are unconfirmed and subject to a change.

  • UK: May (promotional leaflet) or June 17 (Amazon UK)
  • Australia: May 22
  • France: May 29
  • Finland: June 28
  • Denmark: June
  • USA: July 9

January 8, 2002

(R2) "The Simpsons Backstage Pass" will be released in Finland on April 26.

December 20, 2001

(R2) "The Simpsons Film Festival" will also be released in the UK, on March 18. Also, another single-disc release called "The Simpsons: Backstage Pass" (previously entitled The Simpsons Music Themes) is scheduled for a June release, following the season 2 boxed set release on May 20. See below for details on these two single-disc items.

December 13, 2001

(R4) A themed DVD entitled "The Simpsons: Film Festival" will be released in region 4 on February 13. The single disc will contain four episodes:

“Beyond Blunderdome”
“Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie”
“22 Short Films About Spingfield”
“A Star Is Burns”

Additionally, "Troy McClure's Finest Moments" montage is included as a special feature.

(R2) Finally, according to a post at The No Homers Club, DVD Debate site also posted information suggesting that the season 2 set would be released in the UK on May 20. However, the piece of news was removed from the site, and its reliability remains questionable.
Source: DVD Debate

December 8, 2001

(R2) In the UK, the next DVD release (R2) is a single-disc title called "The Simpsons Music Themes." Similar to the themed British VHS titles, the DVD will feature four episodes:

“A Tale of Two Springfields”
      (featuring The Who)
“New Kids On the Blecch”
      (featuring N'sync)
      (featuring The Smashing Pumpkins, Cypress Hill,
      Peter Frampton and Sonic Youth)
“The Otto Show”
      (featuring Spinal Tap)

An extra montage of clips called "Otto's Finest Moments" (2m:24s) is also included. No release date is yet available.
Information and image courtesy of DVD Times

Note that this release does not mean the end for the boxed season sets. Season 2 DVD set is in the works and will hit the stores worldwide during the first half of 2002, although not likely before May.

October 31, 2001

Entertainment Weekly has an article on The Simpsons DVDs:

Good news for all the "Simpsons" lovers who've snapped up copies of the first-season DVD box set like Homer on the loose in a Krispy Kreme shop: There's more on the way. The comic minds behind the 12-year-old 'toon, including series creator Matt Groening, have already l aid down commentary tracks (Mmmm, commentaries!) for a planned season 2 release, due sometime next year.

And it's likely that every season will get the same deluxe treatment, according to executive producer and show-runner Al Jean, who's been on staff with "The Simpsons" since the beginning. "It's not like they're gonna leave an extra nickel on the floor in this place," he tells
Source: Entertainment Weekly (Courtesy Tobias Klette)

[Read the full article]

October 28, 2001

(R2) The BBFC database contains a new entry that is possibly a special feature for the season 2 DVD set, but more likely additional material for a VHS video to be released in the UK.

Update (12/08): The feature is a part of The Simpsons Music Theme R2 release. (see above for details)

“Otto's Words of Wisdom” (2m:24s)

Thanks to Jan Nielsen

October 23, 2001

There's still no official word on the release of the season 2 DVD boxed set. Fox Home Entertainment was originally aiming for a Christmas release, but today it seems unlikely. However, according to their plan to release two sets a year it should be out within 6 months.

(R1) Unofficial discussions with people promoting the Simpsons DVD sets in Canada suggest that May or June is the likely date.

We'll keep you posted!
Thanks to Wade Penner

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Last updated on August 9, 2002 by Jouni Paakkinen (

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